We are just a tap away: taxi booking app

Hailing a taxi has never been an easy job. Now leave your worries at a far distance from yourself, with just a simple click you can see your taxis coming to your way. Enjoy the fantastic ride and then pay for the trip within the app.

SilverTop clone app offers

  • Quick
    hailing of the taxi, with one single touch
  • Live
    GPS tracking of the taxi
  • Text
    on approach and driver call feature
  • Integrated
    payment in the app with PayPal or Credit Card

Working of SilverTop clone app

It is very easy and simple to use SilverTop clone app as it provides a user-friendly interface. To use this flawless app follow the following steps-

  • Registration
    or login:
    To use this wonderful app, users need to register
    themselves on the app first by providing their email address, contact number or
    any social media platform. If the registration is already done then the
    customers can simply login in the app.
  • Home
    After the registration or login, customers can see the home
    screen on their mobile screen where different categories of the services are
    mentioned from where the customer has to choose the service.
  • Choosing
    the service:
    From the home screen, the customer selects the
    taxi service that they want to avail from the application’s end.
  • The
    driver receives the request:
    After making the request, the
    nearby drivers receive the notification about the service and then they accept
    or reject the request.
  • The
    driver arrives:
    Within a few minutes, the driver reaches at the
    location of the customer by using navigation.
  • Payment
    After the completion of the trip, the customer pays the
    bill by Paypal, credit card or with cash.
  • E-Payment
    The customer after paying the bill instantly receives the
    bill on the screen of their phone.
  • Ratings
    and reviews:
    Now it’s the time to rate each other, both the
    rider and the driver based on their experiences of the trip with each other.

SilverTop clone app also provides time to time discounts and offers for their customers especially on the festive seasons. This awesome app aims at providing maximum satisfaction level to their customers without the involvement of any kind of complication.

SilverTop clone app offers the following categories of taxis to its customers

  • Maxi
    It is specially designed for more than 5 people or more
  • 4-seater: This
    type of taxi is specially made for four people to sit in the car and enjoy the
  • Station
    It provides extra room for the customers to keep their luggage
    in the taxi.
  • Silver
    top silver service:
    This kind of taxi service provides luxurious
    cars to their customers.

If you want to start your own unstoppable business in the world full of competition then you can go with SilverTop app clone which is a credible, trustable and reliable app in the industry. You can also go with any other app which offers all the necessary features that any taxi booking app should have.