uber for escorts

Uber for Escorts has been a Ray of Hope and Light for Prostitutes all over the World. Now, they will be Compensated Fairly because the Middle-man has now been effectively removed. It is a Fact that Pimp kept up to 80-90 Percent of the Escorts’ Earnings. For the longest Time, Hookers were at the mercy of the Pimp.


Uber for Strippers is a Safe space for 52 Million Prostitutes because there is No Pimp harassing them or exploiting their helplessness. Before the advent of this Secure and Reliable Online Platform to Earn an Honest Living, Escorts lived in Dark Shadows. A Startling Fact – up to 90 Percent of Prostitutes were controlled by Pimps back when this Technology didn’t exist. Controversial as it is, these Pimps were highly Territorial of the Women they managed and they went to any extent. They will use Psychological Intimidation, Manipulation, Starvation, Beating, and Tattooing to Mark the woman as theirs. So, yes this App has waged a War against the Pimp Underground Economy by promising to rescue these Exploited Women. It has not been an Easy Battle to Win! Because Pimps don’t want to let go of their extremely valuable Assets that they leech off of. Pimps resort to Violence when they get Territorial and Possessive about these Escorts.

Real-Time Escort Booking App is a Game-Changer because it is trying to streamline this Prostitute Industry by supporting these women. This Industry is frowned upon and there is a sense of Embarrassment and Shame when Identity leaks out. And that’s precisely what this Platform is doing – Fighting the Stigma and allowing Prostitutes to live a Dignified Life. Everyone deserves to the Remunerated justly because it is their Right and this App guarantees that. In the United States of America, there are 100,000 Streetwalking Prostitutes at any given time of the year. Why linger around in the Streets like a Beggar when they can simply register with this App. They have to just download the App either from Google Play Store or iTunes App Store based on the OS. Entrepreneurs who want to start their Online Escort Booking Business will get both the User App and the Companion App. Hookers have to download the Service Provider’s App.

On Opening the App, a Splash Screen will appear that lasts for 2-3 seconds which displays App Name and Logo. Then, Hookers will be expected to register with the App by providing their basic details like Name, Phone Number, etc. After that, they will receive an OTP in their Mobile Phones for Verification purpose. Once they enter that, their Account has been Successfully Created. They’ll be asked to complete their Profile before they’ll be allowed to go Online. What all is covered under this Section? Languages known, Body Measurements, Spoken Languages, and Services Offered, Rates per Hour, Photos, Incall Location and Manage their Availability. Now, let’s jump on to the Application Login Window wherein Escorts can easily Login with the Credentials. Once they Go Online, they can now Start Accepting Requests that they have received from Users. Registered Prostitutes can see their Pending Requests here along with their Upcoming Appointments.

Smooci Clone App has this Feature exclusively for Members wherein User can Text Chat with the Companion after Request Acceptance. If User has Premium Membership, they can even chat with the Hooker before even sending the Service Request. What is the Membership Subscription Plan for Escorts? They can buy it to get unlimited jobs per Day and enjoy other Benefits. Escorts can view list of Plans and choose one Plan that fits their Budget. Then they can go ahead and make the payment. Escorts have the liberty to Update and Edit their Profiles whenever they want to. In the due process, they can even manage their Gallery. And Add, Edit, or Delete any Image as per the convenience of the Escort. Can Escorts cancel the Booking? Yes! They can. Even when Prostitute has initially accepted the Booking Request, Escort has the Liberty to cancel it. They can choose a Reason as simple as “I’m not available”. uber for escorts can even view the Booking History wherein they can see their Total Earnings per Day.

Uber for escorts is an Empowering Tool for all Female Hookers from all over the World. They get to live a Civilized Life with a stable source of income. So far, We got to study and understand how the Service Providers’ App functions, let’s now focus on Entrepreneurship. How to become a Successful Businessman? Everything starts with Intense Research and in the meantime understanding the Current Market Trends. One needs to identify a viable Market Gap that can be monetized later. That is why it is advised to Consult Industry Stalwarts before starting one’s own Business. Most Important Trait of a Successful and Rich Entrepreneur is their perpetual state of Calmness. Experts will definitely recommend the New-Age Businesspersons to not to waste time Coding the App when they can Buy it. That too at half the cost of coding which is at least USD 200,000.


Escort Services Booking App is a Mind-blowing Concept! And what’s even more fantastic is the White-Labeling App Designing Firms of Global Repute. They’ll help Ambitious Entrepreneurs Launch their Uber for Escorts Business in their personal Best Time of 14 Days. Yes! Readers, it is true!